Our Little PostSecret

Our favorite ad-free Blog (and the largest ad-free blog in the world), PostSecret.com, has just released their first iOS app! We're so excited for them, we've decided to let you in on OUR little secret: To celebrate the app release, we're giving away not one, not twooo, but three Postsecret books! (Insert wild rejoicing, fanfares, angelic singing, etc!)

Go check out what all the hubbub is about over on the PostSecret app page down yonder. You can also watch the embedded video below or just go download it now from iTunes at this link here.

Meantime, if you want a chance to win one of the three (we repeat: three!) books, here's what you need to do:

1) Leave a comment on this post telling us which PostSecret book you want and why.
2) Be sure to comment using your correct e-mail address so we can contact you should you win
3) Take a load off. Relax. Chill out. Lately we've been recommending Mountain Dew and baked jalapeno poppers.

Simple right? So whachya waitin' for? Support our favorite free blog by downloading the app! Enter our contest! Crack open a Dew! We'll leave the contest open for one whole week. Check back next Sunday night for the winners!

A Lifetime of Secrets.

I always sneak peeks at the Postsecret books in Chapters, hoping that someone left a secret in one. I almost left one of my own once.. maybe I will one day..
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A Lifetime of Secrets: A PostSecret Book

I think I'll be happy with that... it's the latest and I like the cover... heh, either way, any will do, reading them is fun... a good way to while away time exploring the lives of other people and how they think, how they are, and so on
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I would love to win Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives, because the title of this book speaks to me more than the others. I've been following this website for years but I've never been able to afford any of the books, so winning this would truly make me smile.

I wish I had a smartphone so I could download the app, but alas!

Good luck to everyone entering this contest.
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I would love a copy of "A Lifetime of Secrets." I introduced my boyfriend to PostSecret last year when we were riding out a storm without power. The two of us curled up in bed together reading my copies of the other books by flashlight.
I don't have this one though. I'd love to get a copy and slip my secret inside - "You're the one I want to spend my life with - I'm certain." and re-create that night and see what happens. (I'm hoping he'll say yes when I propose!
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Ummmm.... Lifetime of Secrets, I guess LOL. I only own the first one, cause now I'm a broke college student and the only (non-thrift-store) books I buy are my textbooks!
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Confessions on Life, Death, and God.

A month ago, my dad passed very quickly of cancer, with my mother, brother, and me at his side. Dad was agnostic, and my brother is struggling with the thought that he will never see his dad again in the afterlife. I'm hoping to find some insight that might help us all process his death.
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PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives

It's the first book, and it's longer than some of the others (the more secrets, the better!).
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I have the first book, so any of the rest would be awesome! I absolutely love PostSecret. My friends always pick up the one book I do have when they are over and flip through.
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A lifetime of secrets: A PostSecret book

I hope to one day be able to get the courage to leave my secret in the books... or find someone's who has. Someday!
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i would love to win the lifetime of secrets book. the reason why i want to win this book is my secret......i have tried to buy this book before but dont because i worry that a sale might happen and i could have got it cheaper. (I have money issues)
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PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives.

I love the postsecret books. I have been following the website for years, have written in the books, bought some, read them all.

If I am fortunate enough to receive the postsecret book I think I will get strangers to write their secrets in it.
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I would like any book you see fit to give me from Post Secret. I want it for my daughter who is a huge fan and has been since early on in it's inception. I believe it helped her transition when we moved many times with her father serving in the military.
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I would love Postsecret: Confessions On Life, Death, And God. Pondering life's mysteries is an obsession of mine and I would love to see what other people think about but don't say.
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Dear neat citizens of Neatorama,

I stand before you as an ungrateful person from a faraway land. I believe that YOU awesome-person-who-decides-who-gets-the-PostSecret-book of Neatorama can help me change that. (Yes, I'm actually trying to be a better person).

How you say might you be able to help me with that?

With crappy internet connection, it's harder for me to keep going online to read these secrets. I need a book (Specifically: A Lifetime of Secrets), secrets on paper, one that I can touch and hold, that I could flip whilst I'm in bed. I need to be able to fold the pages, to mark secrets that I can relate to. I want to remember. I want to feel the pain that other people feel again and again and again in my hands, so my secrets(or pain?) doesn't feel so bad and I can(try to) (maybe)stop being so angry(and funny at the same time) all the time.

Plus, I can't find PostSecret books in Malaysia. Help a pretty girl out? :)

Lots and lots and lots of love, Molly.
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I love PostSecret! Everyone has secrets and I think their website is absolutely brilliant! I've never been bold enough to send my own postcard, but perhaps after reading "A Lifetime of Secrets: A PostSecret Book" I will!
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I'd love Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives to start from the very beginning. I used to read PostSecret vicariously about three years ago, but time passed and I was too preoccupied with other things to remember it. Half a year ago a good friend of mine brought them back to me in book form, which I was very grateful for. I'd love to own them myself and this would be a great start, cash-strapped student that I am.
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I would love to start off my PostSecret book collection with 'A Lifetime of Secrets.'

If you could send some baked jalapeno poppers, that would be cool too! :)
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Secret Regrets: What if you had a Second Chance?
I chose this one out of all of them because I oftentimes look back at times in my life and wonder 'what if?' It's a lonely place, but part of the description says I'm not alone.
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Would love to have The Secret Lives of Men & Women. I love Post Secret, I live on the west coast and every Saturday night I am checking the site to see if it has been updated with the Sunday secrets. Love the 3 hour time difference!
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I'd love PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives because I think it's the most relatable book in relation to people. On the outside we look relatively ordinary but it's only when you start to get to know someone that you realise that they can be extraordinary and that's what I like best about people.
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PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives, because it reminds the world that every life is extraordinary no matter what we believe. We all are special if we simply look inside of ourselves! =)
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Only because I'd have to pick, I would most like Extrordinary Confessions From Ordinary Lives because we're truly all mostly ordinary people who just happen to sometimes suprize ourselves and others.
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Definitely would want to add the secret lives of men and women to my collection, well not collection per se as I only have one other book. Thanks for the contest!! I love the app for my iPhone I have been waiting so long!! Cheers :)
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I would love to own any of the post secret books seeing as to I don't have any yet! I love reading the secrets every Sunday and I wish I had an iPhone just so I could get the post secret app! It would be nice to have a bunch of secrets all together in a book! :]
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I'd like to have the first book, PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives because I'd like to read the books starting from the beginning. I just have this feeling that this book is gonna be better than the rest (even if I haven't read a single one) :)
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I would like the A Lifetime of Secrets book or the Secrets of Men and women. I got turned onto PostSecret by my best friend and have become somewhat of a secret addict now. And now my husband has to hide my iPod from me so I'll take the dog out. :) Being an army wife the secrets help me unload and calm down after stressful times. Plus they are giving me courage to share my own secret, which I plan on doing soon :)
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I would like a copy of A Lifetime of Secrets. I've always wanted to buy a book but, because I'm broke, I only buy used cheap books. Even used, these books aren't cheap. I've been following PostSecret for about 3 years now, never missing a single Sunday until my grandmother died. I still wonder if Frank put up my secret. I'll never now.
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I'd love to win "A Lifetime of Secrets", because it's the one which made me discover Post Secret when I saw it once at the store, was intrigued by the cover.
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I would love to have the "A Lifetime of Secrets" book again. As a Guardian ad Litem, these books have been an incredible tool in working with children that have been abused or neglected. There is nothing like a PostSecret book that gives a child the courage to share.
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I wouldn't mind having any of the books. I don't make much money and the books are a tad expensive for me. My library doesn't carry Post Secret books, so having a book would be pretty awesome. I got introduced to Post Secret through the first book, when a friend showed it to me at school.
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I would like 'A Lifetime of Secrets' because I feel as if that sense of span over the years will make it a book that is always applicable and relevant no matter your age, so my friends, family, and I will be reading it for years to come.
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I would like the 'PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death, and God' book because it is the only one in the series I do not have and after having a new born baby girl I just don't have the money to get it as I'm sure you can understand of you've had children yourselves. Thank you.
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I would want to receive Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary lives because I don't know what it is like to feel the empowerment of post secret and starting with the first book, just seems right!
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I would love, My Secret! At one point I owned all of the books but I loaned that one to a friend who never returned it. I figurednit helped her as they do me so I never said anything in an attempt to get it back.
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I ould be so grateful to win "A Lifetime of Secrets: A PostSecret Book"--it is the one book I have been unable to find at the library, and I too, also have a life time of secrets in need of exploration..

Thank you xo
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I would love to own any of the books. I just purchased a Kindle and re-discovered my love of reading! Wonderful things are said about your books and I would love to find out what all the hubub is about.
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A lifetime of secrets. I work on cruise ships, and I am turning all of my friends on to postsecret...my hope is that they will go home to their respective countries and pass the word along.
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Can I say all of them since I don't own any? Sad I know but I once bought one for my stepmom as a coffee table chrismtas present but really don't have $ every paycheck to spend on things other than bills. It stinks! Maybe I need a better job? Lol Reading all the comments before mine I guess I would say "A Lifetime of Secrets" because that sounds interesting.
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I want Confessions on Life, Death, and God because people's secrets about god/religion fascinate me as someone who has many too and as someone who is working on a PhD in religion.
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I would love to read PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives. I love PostSecret and the app. Everyone should definitely get it. This amazing website has changed my life. :)
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I'd love to have an exemplar of A Lifetime of Secrets: A PostSecret Book.
Once i work teaching people from 4 to 90 years old, i think it would be great to have the experience to pass through childhood to maturity in one book: an interesting way to sense (and remember, sometimes, since i'm 24) its fears, hopes and secrets.
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A would love to get the Lifetime of Secrets book. I have thumbed through this one in the bookstore & the few that I have read were pretty amazing.
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I would absolutely love A Lifetime Of Secrets. I read a part of a friend's copy of it, and I must say, it touched me deeply. After reading several secrets, I started bawling because I realized that many of my own secrets were tucked within these pages without me ever having to submit a single one. It's moments like that where you realize the beauty of postsecret; no one is alone in their worries, secrets, or doubts. It's beautiful that one book can make so many people feel less alone, and that is why I would love to get the chance to finish reading A lifetime Of Secrets. :)
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I would love to win A Lifetime of Secrets. People of all ages have secrets, but it's still intriguing to know what kind of secrets people have depending on their age.
Thanks for hosting this contest!
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I would love the Lifetime Of Secrets because they help me get through the day. I currently have 2 jobs but I still cant afford them :( I love PostSecret. It's so inspirational.
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Extraordinary Confessions From Ordinary Lives because even the most ordinary people are extraordinary when you find out more about them. Post Secret was the inspiration for my second book and I believe it's the reason why I was published at all. Thank you.
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I'd love to win any of the Post Secret books, but if I had to pick one it would be PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives.

Every time i see the Post Secret books in the store I want to crack them open and read them all right then and there. I've stopped myself every single time because I want it to be special when I finally own a copy and can enjoy the secrets in the comfort of my home.
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PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives

As a future social worker facilitating mental health and addictions groups for adolescents, it's amazing to see how the participants connect. For the first time in their lives, they realize they ARE NOT ALONE. I think this title perfectly encapsulates this idea--these confessions are the deepest, often darkest most personal thoughts, yet they come from our neighbors, husbands, teachers, and best friends.

I want to be reminded everyday of the connection between us all, and how no one is alone in their struggle.
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I want 'PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives' because is the first book, the first one, the beginning of them all. And I live in Colombia and I can't get them here in any bookstore.
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