Cordless Candlestick Phone

I would love to have this in my home! Adam Ben-Dror took a classic candlestick-style phone and made it cordless. It's completely functional, thanks to parts that he acquired from a company that specializes in restoring old phones and converting them into modern ones.

Link -via Geekosystem | Ben-Dror's Website

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Actually candlestick phones DID have a ringer, but it was usually contained on a separate box that the phone would be plugged into. Otherwise the phones would have been useless since no one would be able to call you.
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I've got an original plugged into my living room. It works fine. Of course, like all candlesticks of it's age it wasn't manufactured with a bell to ring. This is my favorite feature because it never pesters me. I say if it's not broken don't fix it.
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