Archive for September 1st, 2011

Scratch & Sniff Business Suit

(Video Link) According to Marc Abrahams, the founder of the Ig Nobel Prize and the Annals of Improbable Research, some Korean businessmen own special suits that emit a pleasant aroma when rubbed. These suit...

Outboard Boat Motor Margarita Mixer

Sadly, the original outboard motor isn't inside the case. Etsy seller windchimesandmore replaced it with a small 2-cycle engine. Still, it blends vigorously and would make a fine conversation piece at parties. Lin...

Cordless Candlestick Phone

I would love to have this in my home! Adam Ben-Dror took a classic candlestick-style phone and made it cordless. It's completely functional, thanks to parts that he acquired from a company that specializes in restori...

RC Plane with Pilot POV Camera

(Video Link) YouTube user vrflyer installed a tiny, fake instrument display in a model F-16. He placed a doll inside, but replaced the head with a camera. The camera moved to track the movements of vrflyer's own hea...

Real Life Like Button

Does your ego need a cheap boost? Make one of these portable and wear it around your neck! My prediction: the future of augmented reality includes upvote and downvote buttons for individual people. In the meantime...

Shopdropped Fake Magazines

The artists/pranksters at TrustoCorp made three fake tabloid magazine covers and left them in store magazine racks throughout New York City. If not for the graphics, would you even know the difference? Link -via...

5 Movies That Would've Been Infinitely Better With Sharks

Yeah, I know, every time a movie set on (or in) the ocean comes along, you hope to see sharks. They add quite a bit of suspense to any situation! Next Movie has posters for five ocean films that would have been impro...

Battlestar Galactica Wedding Photo

During their wedding reception, Justin and Heather Hartley arranged guests in the poses of a Battlestar Galatica promotional picture. The BSG photo was in imitation of Leonardo da Vinci's The La...

Realistic Futurama Sculptures

deviantART member Ray Lin composed stunningly realistic sculptures of four Futurama characters: Professor Farnsworth, Nibbler, Zoidberg, and Leela. It appears that he's working on Zap Brannigan and Fry now....

Half of USA to be Fat in 2030

Fat? Don't worry - you're in good company ... or soon will be. According to the medical journal The Lancet, half of America will be obese in just two decades:...

Superman vs. Google+

You've probably heard about how Google is enforcing a "real name" only policy for Google+ social platform (dubbed "Nymwars" and ably covered by Boing Boin...

Death Party in Las Vegas

A lot of people go to Vegas for bachelor parties, but death party? Now that's unusual: A British marine killed in Afghanistan left an unusual bequest in his wi...

Juror Found Guilty of "Friending" Defendant on Facebook

Call the court system old and stodgy all you want, but they do tend to frown upon jurors interacting with the defendants, much less friending them on Facebook. Here's what a y...

The Reebok Ripper? 11th Dismembered Foot Washed Ashore in the Pacific Northwest

We reported the strange and gruesome discoveries of dismembered feet washing ashore in the Pacific Northwest a while ago. Well, dismembered feet continue to wash ashore: the 1...

Pattern Baldness in Russian Leadership

If you haven't taken the mental_floss quiz on Soviet leaders yet (and want to), go do that before reading this post, because it contains spoilers. Neatoramanaut Stubb left a comment that blew my mind. I'm pretty sur...

How Old is Your Globe?

I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out when a world map was made by looking at the countries on it. That challenge is easier with a handy chart from Replogle Globes that tells what year nations came into existence...

Skull & Crow Salt And Pepper Shakers

Skull & Crow Salt & Pepper Shakers - $14.95 Halloween is coming up soon. Are you on the lookout for a perfectly creepy salt & pepper shaker set for your kitchen table? You need the Skull & Crow Salt &a...

FEMA Looks to Waffle House for Data

Craig Fugate, the current head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), knows a few things about how to assess damage in a disaster area. There's hard data, and then there's a sense of how things are, developed...


(YouTube link) What ever happened to Steve on the TV show Blue Clues, who supposedly went off to college and handed off his dog Blue to his younger brother Joe? Steve Burns, who played the original host of...

The Man Who Draws in His Sleep

Back in 2008, Alex reported on Lee Hadwin, an artist who only draws in his sleep. Hadwin's had a bit of success since then, selling pieces for up to "six figures" and even one to The Donald himself. While there are coun...

What Is It? game 191

Once again, it's time for our collaboration with the always amusing What Is It? Blog! Do you know what the object in this picture is? Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, pleas...

Six Celebrities and their Alter Egos

There was a lot of hoopla about Lady Gaga appearing at the MTV Video Music Awards as her alter ego Jo Calderone last weekend. But Mother Monster is hardly the first entertainer to use another personality for performing....

18 Things You Didn't Know About Firefly

If you aren't familiar with the show, none of this really matters -but if that's the case, you should go rent the DVDs from Netflix and then return here promptly after viewing.Source - via GeekosystemTV, Entertainment,...

Tracing Poacher Hunters In The Congo

You probably already know about the devastating poaching trade in the Congo, but Environmental Graffiti has a great slideshow presenting a fascinating look at the tale from an entirely new point of view -that of the...

10 Funny Historical Facebook Posts

If you love silly historical Facebook posts like the one above, then you'll love Oddee's collection of them. Don't miss the reader contributions at the bottom for even more funny fake posts. LinkHistory, Funny, Fa...

It's So Hard To Get A Good Night's Sleep

(Video Link) This poor little shar pei puppy just can't get comfortable. At least his snoring indicates that he's able to sleep through all of this. Via Cute OverloadCute, videos, animals, puppies, dogs, pets, slee...

Muppet Doctor Who

BuzzFeed recently posted another great round up of fun fan art, but the one that really struck me was this Muppet Dr. Who by Amy Mebberson. It was apparently made specifically to be sold at the San Diego Comic Con. I...

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