Apparently,the king of Jordan is a huge Star Trek fan so like a true Trekkie, he wants to show his love for the series as much as possible. The only difference -he's ridiculously rich. So he's decided to build his own Star Trek theme park in his own country for a cool price of $1.5 billion. He's already made agreements with CBS, Paramount and Rubicon Group Holding -all companies who have the rights to the series.
Supposedly the park will be open in 2014. Would any of you take a trip to Jordan to see it?
Rubicon is said to be developing the “entertainment aspects” of the park, and it appears that it will be partnering with Paramount Recreation and CBS Consumer Products — which owns Star Trek — for creative development on attractions such as a planned “space flight adventure,” which is promises to deliver “a variety of multi-sensory futuristic experiences … that takes real-time immersive entertainment experiences to bold new heights.” The park and resort will also include restaurants, hotels, theaters, and shops. However, the entire resort will not be 100% Star Trek-themed; in an effort to promote tourism to Jordan, there will also be informative elements about Jordan’s history.
Supposedly the park will be open in 2014. Would any of you take a trip to Jordan to see it?
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