7 Geniuses Who Were Completely Insane

If you're a regular Neatorama reader, then you probably already know that Nikola Tesla was certainly a bit strange, but when you really look at his eccentricities, you'll quickly realize that he really was utterly insane. For example, he refused to touch anything that was round and insisted on walking around a building three times before entering it. Cracked has a great list of other insane geniuses for your reading pleasure, reminding us that sometimes it's nice to just be average.


Usually, when I visit Crack'd, I end up clicking on a few links while I'm there.

It's a nice place to visit, but it's list-heavy, and it seems to be declining in quality - which is funny, because it's not as crude as it used to be.
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The problem I have with many of Cracked's articles is that they are not fact-checked. This is one of several that list autism as a mental illness, when autism is no such thing. Autism is a developmental disability, a difference in brain structure, and is not an illness, mental or physical.
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Rainbow's sort of right, but I'd go further. It's not just that cracked isn't fact checked, I'd say a lot of the "facts" on there are deliberately invented or at least exaggerated for comic effect.
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Tesla was loony.
Very smart but not god like as some people treat him as.
If we do not have his proven techology then he DID NOT suceed at inventing it.
If you think its being hidden or lost your just kidding yourself. Or you are watching way to much sci fi.
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