These classes were found in college catalog listings of courses that are offered this fall at a campus near you. Well, maybe not near you, but some you'd be willing to travel for! Here's a sample:
Find all 22 of them at mental_floss. Link
16. How to Watch Television
Montclair State
Has that big screen in your living room always perplexed you? Flummoxed by the little rectangle that seems to control its every image and sound? Sorry to say, this class isn’t going to help. Despite its title, “How to Watch Television” is really about analyzing the medium and evaluating TV’s impact on our lives.
17. Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond
University of Texas at Austin
The class explores the Star Trek language and Esperanto, among others. I’m willing to bet there’s a bit of Elvish thrown in there, too.
18. The Phallus
Occidental College
I feel like this one speaks for itself, but just in case you need it spelled out for you, here’s an excerpt from the syllabus: Topics include the signification of the phallus, the relation of the phallus to masculinity, femininity, genital organs and the fetish, the whiteness of the phallus, and the lesbian phallus.
Find all 22 of them at mental_floss. Link
are stupider than most. (hmmm...stupider aye?
just reading about these courses for the brain
dead must have had and affect). What a waste of
our institutes for higher learning.