When you get your first place of your own, upgrade to a bigger house, or when the kids move out, you may get your first totally personal man room.
To best fix it up, follow the advice of men who have gone before you and follow the three rules: quality, comfortable, and personal. The Art of Manliness has tips on all these plus pictures of the manly rooms of manly men. Pictured here is Mark Twain's billiard room. Link -via Nag on the Lake
The man room or “man cave” can be defined as any place a man sets aside to pursue his interests, whether with friends, family, or by himself. It can be an office, a study, the basement, or a shed out back. For the purposes of this post, the man room is not a shop or workspace, but rather a place for a man to relax and enjoy himself.
To best fix it up, follow the advice of men who have gone before you and follow the three rules: quality, comfortable, and personal. The Art of Manliness has tips on all these plus pictures of the manly rooms of manly men. Pictured here is Mark Twain's billiard room. Link -via Nag on the Lake
TV and remote (check)
Computer (check)
easy chair (check)
pool table (check)
Hearts & Spades pinball machine (check)
well stocked beer fridge (check)
That's all folks !!