11-Year Old "Mayor of the Day" First Order of Business: Naming Justin Bieber Street

When 11-year-old Caroline Gonzalez was named "Mayor for a Day" of Forney, Texas, she wasted no time in putting her power to use: she gave Justin Bieber his own street!

"Because I really like Justin Bieber," Caroline told E! News when asked why she decided to make this her first order of business. "I like his music and I like him. And I thought, why not have a street in my hometown named after my favorite singer?"

http://www.eonline.com/news/justin_bieber_gets_his_way/258406 - via The Daily What

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In the words of a friend on hearing the news....

"I don't want to be driving down a street and turn on Justin Bieber Way..." >>

I wonder how permanent the change is.
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How shallow! I remember when I was 11 and adults asked us what we would do if we were president, we'd immediately reply, help the poor. And this one kid who had the chance to do so, CHANGED A STREET NAME to honor her FAVORITE SINGER as her first order of business? WTF?!

And are they really going to keep that street name even after the girl isn't mayor anymore?
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