Mayor Gives Ex-Wife 20-Ton Boulder as a Gift

The mayor of Acton Vale, Quebec, wanted to give his ex-wife a special birthday present, so he had a 20-ton rock left in her driveway. It painted with a greeting and topped with a pink ribbon. Isn't that romantic? Maybe he wants to get back together with her. Jonathan Montpetit of The Canada Press writes:

Lariviere owns an excavation company. He said he used one of his own front-end loaders to transport the rock through the town streets in the wee hours Saturday.[...]

During the delivery, he was stopped twice by police who asked him for identification and questioned what he was doing.

"I told them the truth — that I was delivering a gift," Lariviere said. "They weren't able to stop me because what I was doing wasn't illegal."

Link -via Lowering the Bar | Photo: Paul Chiasson/Canada Press

Fred, I take it you are happily married, single or are one of the lucky ones who don't have a "less than stellar ex-wife). With all the games and BS pulled on me, I am paying child support, I think this is hilarious, and wish I could do the same to my ex-wife.
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Having to deal with the same laws this ass has to. I think he just landed himself into a big puddle of shit... and seriously! I hope he never gets to see his children again. They don't need to learn anything from him.
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This guy is a mayor? That's some pretty childish behavior if you ask me. I understand hating your ex-wife, but if you are in a position of power, you need to be setting examples, not pulling college frat pranks. Also, the two are divorced so they should leave each other alone. The war is over. This guy is just asking for more trouble and I hope he gets it when she sues him for the removal costs. Not a smart stunt on his part.
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This has been in the local papers for the past couple days. He will be charged for the removal, but so far, she hasn't been able to get another company willing to remove it. They're all "too busy", and they're all cronies of the mayor.
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I wouldn't want someone who is that vengeful as mayor of my city. It doesn't speak well of him at all. As Red Bunny said above, let it go.
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I live in Qc, and I, for sure, would love to do the same thing. if I did thopugh, I would get a shit load of shit. But then, if it was the opposite, I would be deemed the one that deserved it.
And yes, he did remove the rock as the ex did not accept the "gift"...
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