Traffic Light Hourglass

Tired of waiting at traffic lights?  Well, its inevitable, isn't it? Perhaps it would help if you knew how long you had to wait at the light. Designer designed this traffic light that would let you know exactly how long you had to wait or exactly how long you have to scoot through! Although I'm not sure that this design would work for colorblind drivers, it sure would be cool to know how much longer I had to apply mascara before I had to pay attention to the road again. Yanko features two other alternatives to traditional traffic lights and signs that are pretty darn cool as well.

Link via My Modern Met

The only problem with this concept is that the design doesn't respect the needs of color blind drivers. The traditional model, however, does.
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This design is actually worse than the traditional one. Like Mac said, it doesn't work for color blind drivers and even if you're not color blind, it can be hard to differentiate the colors with overwhelming sunshine.

Also the function of the sand glass could just as easily be achieved with a countdown time, something that a lot of stoplights have.

Guess the designer worried more about looks than functionality.
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also, ready and prepare to stop look like each other when you are looking at em from a (rainy) distance. Not a good concept at all!

*in the Netherlands some traffic lights do have a countdown timer, mostly for pedestrians. (to avoid jaywalking).
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I'm confused. What is wrong with the current three color light? Are we really so pathetic that we need something like this? As others have said, this particular concept is terribly designed. There are places that use the yellow/amber light to indicate when the light is about to turn green again, but this generally bad in my opinion as drivers will tend to jump the gun and so the timing in the opposing direction has to compensate for this, which negates any efficiency. Far better to try to get rid of traffic lights where possible.
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Bad bad idea. This would just be yet another reason for people NOT to pay attention to the road. Attention would have to be WAY too focused on the light instead of just seeing that it's green, red or yellow.
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