Van Gogh / Genius
by Huy Lam
At a glance, the artwork of Toronto-based artist Huy Lam look like their original pictures and photos, but when you take a closer look, you'd be delighted to see that the details are made with text painstakingly colored and shaped into the images.
Here's what Lam said about his art:
Link - via Laughing Squid... From afar you see a portrait of Nelson Mandela which looks like it could be a pencil or charcoal drawing. But as you come closer and closer, you realize its created from a different media. After farther inspection, parts of words start to emerge on top of layers of other fragmented words until you finally come across the completed words, 'my hero'. Nelson Mandela is my hero and I created a portrait of him with only words. A portrait of Che Guevara is created from the words 'bought a T-shirt' because I've also bought the iconic T-shirt when I was young and rebellious. [...]
All the images are created with 4 point type.
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