Run for Your Lives: the Zombie 5K

If you love zombies and running (I'm looking at you, Stacy Conradt), you'll love this: marathon through the woods while being actively chased by volunteer zombies. If that's your thing (and I think for a lot of you it might be), then you need to be in Baltimore this October.
This Baltimore event is called Run For Your Lives, which sounds about right. Runners will wear flags (which represent life) while jumping and leaping over obstacles throughout a 5K course (unless you get lost, that is) while zombies chase them down and try to rip off their "life." If you cross the finish line without any remaining flags, you're dead (and ineligible for the prizes at the end of the race). Don't want to run? Don't worry! You can sign up just to partake in the fun afterparty and live music fiesta after the race!

This event is in Baltimore on October 22. You can get more info and sign up on the Run for Your Lives website and watch the promo video on YouTube. I think multiple cities should organize their own zombie 5K events so we can have that long-awaited zombie apocalypse.


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Newest 5 Comments

We have heard of this and really want to participate. We run Zombie Response Team here in San Antonio, TX and it's been shown that here's a lot of potential for this to really work here. So we hope to get involved in this very soon! Awesome article!
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