Shoes That Grow Into Trees

After you're done with these sneakers from Dutch footwear maker OAT Shoes, don't throw 'em away. Bury 'em in the ground, instead. Don't worry - you're supposed to do that:

The second-place winner at Amsterdam’s Green Fashion Awards last week, OAT’s “Virgin Collection” is the world’s first line of sneakers that, upon disposal, will biodegrade and sprout trees. The materials—some developed by OAT itself—are all easily broken down, and tree seeds packed in the lining will hopefully leave saplings where your sneakers once stood.


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I'm no expert but be careful with biodegradable plastics. Not all of them are really biodegradable, they just fall apart in very tiny particles so that to the human eye it looks like it's gone but it's just very tiny particles of plastic.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
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