History, Celebrity, and Literary Dolls

Debbie Ritter at Uneek Doll Designs captures real people in doll form in a way in which anyone would recognize them. Each is hand-painted one at a time, and the selection is incredible! Where else could you get a doll that looks like Percy Shelley or Willie Nelson or Teddy Roosevelt? Pictured here are Thomas Edison, Madeline L'Engle, Jane Goodall, Edgar Allan Poe, Maya Angelou, John Adams, and Eleanor Roosevelt, all available at her Etsy shop. Link -via Everlasting Blort

Previously: Ritter's Susan Boyle Doll.

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Eddie's characterization of Mr. Hope is correct - he was the most popular and beloved comedian of the 20th Century. What a giant he was, and, in his time, he conquered every medium that existed.

But, as time goes by, what I find most amazing about Mr. Hope is how he has - in a fairly short time - gone from being arguably the most famous man in the world, to being almost completely forgotten. I am reminded of the great quote from Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.:

“For over a thousand years Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of triumph, a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeteers, musicians and strange animals from conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conquerors rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children robed in white stood with him in the chariot or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror holding a golden crown and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting.”
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