Did Warfare Fuel The Birth of Advanced Civilization?

What is war good for? In Peru it may be good for starting an advanced civilization. Archeologists are studying this occurrence to see how war may have been a common factor in the rise of more advanced civilizations.

The Peru of the first millennium BCE was full of smaller groups, but it isn't until the region endured centuries of war that two large, dominant societies emerged in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca: the Taraco along the Ramis River and the Pukara of the grassland pampas.


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Fear of Mortality <- In my field we call this sort of thing a "root cause". As distinct from intermediary causes like "war". By identifying the root cause we can address the issue more directly.
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Duh! If you have a better army, you can control greater territory; greater territory necessitates a greater administration and greater trade networks. You also gain new knowledge from newly administrated territory.
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Every geek device imaginable, from the Internet to the PC, satellites, the cell phone, cable TV, etc., came from preparation for war.
Without war, we would still be mailing letters at the Post Office.
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