Archive for July 23rd, 2011

Rubik's Cube Cake

Sure, you could decorate the exterior of a cubical cake so that it looks like a Rubik's Cube from the outside, but Vicky McDonald went beyond that goal for her cake in honor of Erno Rubik's birthday. As you slice her...

William Shatner Leads 3,000 People in a Great "KHAN!"

(Video Link) In a famous scene in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Admiral Kirk screamed "Khan!" in rage and despair against his enemy, Khan Noonien Singh. This has become one of the great battlecries of Tr...

Why Can't Astronauts Whistle in Space?

Now I'm not talking about whistling in a vacuum. It's obvious that attempting to do so would fail. But even astronauts on spacewalks in protective suits can't whistle. Why not? Former astronaut Dan Barry explained: "...

The Saddest Movie in the World

What movies make you cry? When I saw The Champ during its initial theater run, I did not expect to cry, but I did, and so did everyone in the audience. Watching 9-year-old Ricky Schroeder begging his father not...

Light Scythe

This image of Nyan Cat was created using Light Scythe, an open-source invention for writing text and drawing images with light in mid-air. I can't begin to tell you I understand it, but you can see for yourself. Link...

London's Underground River

The River Fleet in London is a tidal river that once provided water for many industries. Over the years, it became quite polluted, then was consigned to flow underneath the city as London grew, until it was eventuall...

Flickin' Chicken

Flickin' Chicken - $19.95 Are you looking for fun drinking family friendly game for your next shindig? You need the Flick' Chicken game from the NeatoShop!  Lay out the targets and watch the poultry fly.  Whoever th...

This Week at Neatorama

In one comment thread this week, several people said our link format is very confusing. Now, I don't know if they were trolling or what, since that's the first time I heard that particular complaint, but I want to remind...

Gus and the Pool

(YouTube link) Gus and his buddy have a wading pool in the backyard to keep them cool, but Gus has a better idea! -via Bits and Piecesdog, pool...

The Most Powerful Animals on Twitter

Animals have invaded your favorite social networking site -and what's worse, they have more followers than you do! So what's all the buzz about? ShortList will introduce you to cats, dogs, birds, and even snakes that...

Hot Enough to....

Bake cookies in a car? You betcha! In Amarillo, the temperatures have soared to over 100 degrees, and about 200 degrees in a closed car. Brittany Nunn of the Amarillo Globe-News baked chocolate chip cookies in her ca...

Caltech Protest, 1968

Students at Caltech didn't do much public protesting against the Vietnam War or the draft or the voting age, but on January 6, 1968 they found time to rally for something dear to their hearts. In what some observers...

The Tooth Fairy Affair

(YouTube link) A young boy comes up with a scheme to get some carnival money. A short film featuring traditional hand-drawn animation by Izabela Melamed. -via Metafilteranimation, teeth, tooth fairy...

Murder Mystery At The Met

Something dastardly is afoot in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and it is up to the guests to figure out whodunit-by completing a scavenger hunt. A company called Watson Adventures has organized a fun yet cerebral murder...

Kid Makes A Wish For His Own Video Game

At the Make-A-Wish Foundation, they're used to granting some of the strangest wishes one could ever imagine, but nobody has ever asked for their own video game. That is until Owain Weinert, a 9 year old who has been...

Buck Up With The Corgi Rodeo

(Video Link) Some dogs chase their tails, but this little guy seems to have a blast chasing his stuffed cowboy -and his owners have a blast watching him do it. LinkCute, videos, animals, pets, corgis, rodeos...

Is The Last Zodiac Code Cracked?

If you're familiar with the Zodiac Killer, then you know he created a number of coded messages, many of which took years to crack. At long last, his final unsolved message may be ciphered. A hobbiest code breaker cla...

10 Crazy Underwater Events

From pumpkin carving to fine dining to a music festival, you'd be amazed just how much stuff can happen underwater when you get a few expert scuba divers together for a good time. Oddee has a collection of some of th...

A World of Warcraft/Starcraft Theme Park

If you love MMORPGs, particularly WOW and Starcraft, then you'd most certainly have a great time at China's counterfeit theme park based around the epic Blizzard videogames. You can see all kinds of pictures of the p...

An Insanely Adorable Baby Koala

I always read ZooBorns for their great pictures of adorable baby animals, but this cutie koala was so adorable that I couldn't help but share him with all of you. For more precious pics, be sure to click on the link....

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