Wet Phone? There’s A Bag For That

We’ve all experienced the pain and heartbreak associated with water-related electronics tragedies. From cell phones dropped in the toilet to laptops caught in the rain, getting your electronic devices wet used to spell destruction. Well not anymore, thanks to the Bheestie bag, which uses it's internal, pellet filled sacks to literally suck your device dry safely and completely. It might be just the thing to bring your beloved electronics back to life.


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Uncooked rice + remove battery. Not sure why a $25 ripoff is "neat", Zeon.

We did this after I found the cell phone at the bottom of the washing machine, still worked too!
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Third vote for the bowl of rice trick. I got caught in a massive downpour with my phone in my pocket a while back, and thought it was hosed. I left it packed in rice for about two days, and then presto: good as new. And now, eight months later, it's still working perfectly.
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Yup, as Aron said, rice works wonderfully. I dropped my iPhone in a rain-filled gutter. It spent the next day or so in a baggie filled with uncooked rice. Cured!
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Problem being that it can still cause the damage - albiet this is a cheaper solution than replacing the entire unit - the underlying problem is still here especially as some liquid damage takes weeks - months to show symptoms even if it was dried out first day
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