Woman Buys Non-Existent Art for $10,000

The Museum of Non-Visible Art is an organization that hosts and sells art that exists only in the imagination of the artist. Or, as the people behind the museum prefer to call it, "non-visible". One piece recently sold for $10,000. Paste Magazine described it as:

A unique piece, only this one is for sale. The air you are purchasing is like buying an endless tank of oxygen. No matter where you are, you always have the ability to take a breath of the most delicious, clean-smelling air that the earth can produce. Every breath you take gives you endless peace and health. This artwork is something to carry with you if you own it. Because wherever you are, you can imagine yourself getting the most beautiful taste of air that is from the mountain tops or fields or from the ocean side; it is an endless supply.

Now that sounds perfect for that big blank wall in your office, right? In case you're worried that you're getting ripped off, the museum assures you that its works are completely real. In a sense:

Although the artworks themselves are not visible, the descriptions open our eyes to a parallel world built of images and words. This world is not visible, but it is real, perhaps more real than the world of matter, and it is also for sale.

http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/07/19/138513048/woman-pays-10-000-for-non-visible-work-of-art?ft=1&f=1001&sc=tw and Official Website -via Geekosystem

Photo (unrelated) via Flickr user Leonski used under Creative Commons license

This can't be real. This just CANNOT be real. People cannot be this idiotic, ignorant, and so engulfed in a world of pseudo-arts to consider a blank art.
It's just like that guy who supposedly wrote a book, but all the pages were blank.
I don't care what abstract philosophies people place on their non-art, a blank is nothing. Art must be seen. Art is VISUAL. Take the visual from it and it ceases to be art.
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That story reminds me another one about a shabby T-shirt made by Balmain and sold at $1000.

As long as there are people to buy...
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It doesn't actually bother me so much as a work of art, but it sure does point to the endemic money laundering in the world of art.

Check it out sometime - fascinating and awful. Why do you think some canvasses are worth millions? It's not the paint. It's the fact that you can sink an arbitrarily huge amount of money into an object.
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What no one has mentioned, as if it really matter with this type of trolling, is that James "Pineapple Express" Franco made this. Had I done it I can assure you my non-existent piece would stay that way.I enjoy how many people who minored in internet back in college have jumped all over this headliner.
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