How to Cross a Street in Vietnam

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This somewhat frightening video allegedly shows a man trying to cross a busy street in Vietnam. Timing is everything, and there are no save points partway, nor extra lives. -via Blame It on the Voices

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@Ziggy - the "echolocation" thing with the bells on bicycles is sort of like alerting people that you are behind, and next to and then passing them.
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This was how I learned to cross the street. I was shocked when we moved to the US and realized that this is not how it is done here.
IMO - it seems more efficient. Traffic is not stopping and starting waiting for someone to cross.
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@roo - the thing about China is the way so much of the traffic is still made up of bicycles and the way they all sort of interweave at junctions. I noticed the way they all seem to ring their bells continuously. What is that, some sort of echolocation?
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