In a continent far far away, a young adventurer named Jacob French is walking solo across the vast land of Australia.
It's an epic journey with a noble cause, but what made it truly Neatorama-worthy is that Jacob is doing so while wearing a Stormtrooper outfit:
Mr French, 20, started his ''Troopertrek'' on Monday and aims to arrive in Sydney by December. To achieve this, he will need to walk 35 to 40 kilometres a day, five days a week, while pushing his 50 -kilogram trolley of supplies and wearing his 10-kilogram suit, which he bought online.
''It does get very hot,'' he said. ''The helmet is not very well ventilated. It's like wearing a bucket on your head. It's not very flexible either, so I'm moving pretty slowly. I had to have it specially trimmed to make it less restrictive.
Comments (4)
He didn't say that, it sounded more like he was just waxing nostalgic about not having the freedom to do so these days.
So you consider a walk for charity a waste of time?