I know a lot of people don't believe in ghosts, but for those who do believe (or are undecided about their existence), this great Oddee article features 10 ghost pictures and recordings that are certain to be accepted by the believers and debated by the skeptics. What do you guys think? Are ghosts fact or fiction?
As far as the authenticity of the photographs, people believed for 60 years that the Cottingley fairies were real until the photographs were eventually exposed as a hoax perpetrated by a 16 year old and a 10 year old. Just saying.
I suppose it's comforting to believe in ghosts, because it means we still exist, however epehemarily, after we do.
From little to none.
I do believe in ghosts. I'm not one who blindly believes in everything though.
I absolutely love that Ghost Hunters episode in the Mnt Washington Hotel. The EVP they caught was just incredible.
Personally, I prefer to just think of them as silly.
That prison one was hilarious. He even manages to move that bit of hanging cloth to the left as he runs up to the camera covered in a black sheet.
All the images are overexposures or double negatives.
The recordings are easily faked.
The car lot one was classic. I cannot believe anyone thought that was actually a real ghost.
Technology at the moment means ghosts will never be proven as it is just far too easy to fake them.
That's why all the important matters are ignored and we go around in circles arguing about UFOs, ghosts, and so on. The Miracle of the Sun takes the cake for me; if 100,000 people can claim to simultaneously see the sun convert into a spinning color disk, and then watch it zig-zag and crash into the earth, and after all that we are still here, all kinds of delusions and mass delusion are possible, or anything is physically possible. Either way; its a pretty unsettling result.