Think that crimes happen in the dark of the night? Trulia Insights compiled crime statistics from 25 big cities in the United States and discovered that while crime doesn't pay, it seems to clock in from 9 to 5 (plus nightshift in some cities) like the rest of us working stiffs.
3AM: When the Devil’s Off Duty
According to the “Exorcism of Emily Rose,” 3AM is the devil’s hour, but backed by hundreds of thousands of data points over a bunch of cities, we disagree. Judging by the volume of crime at this hour, it looks pretty safe to us.Check it out – so if you made graphs illustrating when criminal activity goes up and down over a 24 hour period for a bunch of U.S. cities (which we did), and then overlaid them on top of each other (look at the pretty picture below if you’re not following), you’ll see a very distinct early morning dip in crime between 3AM and 7AM. Conclusion: it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be struck by a smooth criminal in the dead of the night ‘cause the devil appears to be crashed out during his allotted “hour.”
I think I possibly spent too much time out in the sun today without a hat at the lavender festival...
(walks off mumbling something about lavender lemonade)
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, of a total of 20,057,180 crimes in 2009; 15,580,510 of them were "propery crimes". The majority (over 11,000,000) are non-burglary, non-automotive, larceny theft.
The FBI relates:
?Larceny-thefts accounted for an estimated 67.9 percent of property crimes in 2009.