The Viva Vox Choir performs Rammstein's signature song "Du hast" in Belgrade. In case you're not familiar with the song, you can hear the original at YouTube. -via The Daily What
The Viva Vox Choir performs Rammstein's signature song "Du hast" in Belgrade. In case you're not familiar with the song, you can hear the original at YouTube. -via The Daily What
Comments (8)
Rammstein's lyrics can be rather disturbing, some have gone as far to call them Nazi sympathizers, but I don't see the connection. Never-the-less, it is hard to decipher what their philosophy is, particularly as I'm not a native German speaker.
"Du riechst so gut" (You smell so good) "Ich geh dir hinterher" (I come after you). This song is supposedly about stalking and raping someone?
"Zwitter" (Hermaphrodite) "Ich bin ich mich verliebt" (I am in love with myself) "Eins für mich, Eins für dich, Gibt es nicht, für mich" (One for you, One for me, it is not, for me) "Eins für mich, Eins für dich
Eins und Eins, das bin ich" (One for you, one for me, one and one, that I am)
And of course, their song "Pussy" whose official music video in Germany consists of the band having sex with adult film stars in pornographic detail. A very odd group.
Die Toten Hosen - Hier Kommt Alex (Here comes Alex)
Xaiver Naidoo - Was wir alleine nicht schaffen (What we cannot accomplish alone...)
Mein Bester Freund - Die Prinzen (A Cappella)