Still shaving with a Schick? How plebeian of you! Men with real money shave with this lil' puppy: the $100,000 Zafirro Iridium razor with white sapphire blades.
“Our goal in founding Zafirro was to take a quantum leap forward in razor technology, to build the sharpest blade ever made and make it last forever,” said Zafirro CEO Hayden Hamilton. “To launch our new blades, our aim was to create one of the most impressive consumer products ever made, something that could be equally at home in a Smithsonian technology exhibit or a MOMA design exhibition. We utilized expertise in fields as varied as rocket manufacturing, nanotechnology, and particle physics, to combine some of the rarest, strongest, and most technologically advanced materials in existence.”
Due to the limited global supply of iridium and the complexities of manufacturing, the company will only produce 99 of the Iridium line,
which will go on sale today for $100,000.
If you started shaving at say age 13 and lived to the average life expectancy of the US 77 years and bought a 12 pack of razors at $10 a pop every two weeks it would come to the total of: $16,640. FOR A LIFETIME!
So why would someone pay $100,000 for that razor unless its has some ultra voodoo shaving properties. I actually switched from those blue disposables to double sided safety razor and double sided blades (just like grandpa used) and now wet shave and have the closest shave I've ever got with those blue disposables. The brush and razor can initially set you back a little but if you shave for a year with it you'll have made your money back. The creme I use comes in a green metal tube and beats any "spray foam" and is very luxurious on the skin and costs about $10 bucks for a one tube which lasts a year, not to mention the blades can be had for .02-.03 cents (I use feather blades from japan as they tend to be the sharpest and one blade can last 1 to 2 months of heavy shaving if you store it in mineral oil when not in use)!
Douglas Noel Adams (1952 - 2001)
Thank DrDan. I'd take it, but I don't deserve it.