Some people really know how to write a letter and get to the point, with the result of pleasing the recipient.
I won't spoil the surprise by putting the transcript here, so go read the whole thing at Letters of Note. Link
Despite never being published in the paper, the following brief letter — sent to the offices of The Times in 1946 by the famously eccentric Lt. Col. Alfred Daniel Wintle — was so adored by staff, it has apparently been preserved ever since. It's easy to see why.
I won't spoil the surprise by putting the transcript here, so go read the whole thing at Letters of Note. Link
On reading it over, I have decided to delete it.
Hoping this will meet with your approval,
I am
Your obedient Servant
Deck of the Yard
"I declare private war on Germany." - Wintle's diary, 20 June 1919
I love his quotes on his wiki
Though, Narcissism and Machiavellianism continue to woo fools.