A Year's Worth of Makeup in One Day

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This video might make you think twice about being liberal with your foundation in the morning (if that's part of your routine, I mean). Dutch directors Lernert and Sander coated the face of model Hannelore Knuts with a year's worth of Ellis Faas makeup - that's 365 applications of foundation (it took seven bottles), blush (two bottles), eyeshadow (two bottles of a cream-based shadow) and lipstick (three pens). The goal? To see "how much is needed to go from a natural look to an outrageous one," they explained. It doesn't take long.

Link via Laughing Squid

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interesting vid. feels like it was clearly created by non-make up artists. if they had used an buildable foundation, a non-foundation-coloured lipstick, and blended the eyeshadow at all, it would have been a much better vid though. should have been more make up gun, and less burns unit.
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"This video might make you think twice about being liberal with your foundation in the morning"

That's like saying "This video might make you think twice about being liberal with all those clothes you put on in the morning" in a video with a year's worth of clothing on at the same time. Just because it's a lot over the course of a year, that doesn't mean it's a lot on a daily basis.
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