Archive for July 5th, 2011

Delightful Monkeys In Masks & Costumes

While this little guy might not be in a mask like the others, I love this little guy's fashion statement. Be sure to check out the rest of the cuties at the link. LinkEntertainment, animals, pets, monkeys, Indones...

The World's Largest Burger

It seems every few years someone has topped this record again, but if you think hamburgers are an American specialty, then you'll be happy to know the U.S. reclaimed the title from the Canadians recently. The burger...

The Pup Who Is Allergic To Grass

Poor little Jax is allergic to grass, which is a huge problem for a dog. Fortunately, his vet suggested he get new doggie boots, which not only leave him looking utterly adorable, but also protect him from his allerg...

French Bulldogs Enjoying A Swing Ride

(Video Link) My favorite thing about this video is how relaxed the one on the left looks, while the one on the right is so excited to be alive. Via Laughing SquidFun, Cute, rides, puppies, dogs, swings...

16 Insanely Frugal Fathers

Frugality is an important lesson to learn, but there is certainly a point where it becomes ridiculous. Over at Consumerist, there is a great roundup of the 16 most over-the-top tales of frugal fathers. To be fair, so...

Starbucks Spelling

You can find a Tumblr picture blog for almost any subject under the sun. Starbucks Spelling is dedicated to the custom of baristas writing a customer's name on a cup, for which they sometimes get the spelling wrong....

Clone Wars

Life is never easy for a Storm Trooper. Invade a new planet, get eaten by a giant kitten! -via Cute Overload (Image credit: Flicker member Piutus)Star Wars, Toys, Cat, kitten, Storn Trooper...

Pool Paint Party

(YouTube link) Take a bunch of skateboarders, attach remote-control spray paint devices underneath the boards, and let them loose in a an empty pool. The result resembles a human Spirograph! -via Dangerous MindsPain...

Darth Hairdryer

This hairdryer was designed by Tembolat Gugkaev, who was inspired by Star Wars. No word on whether it will ever be available to the public. -via Boing B...

The Mysterious Minaret of Jam

A 65-meter high minaret stands in Afghanistan, built around 1190 CE. It is covered with religious carvings and calligraphy in more than one language. But this ancient and remote edifice is surrounded by the Hindu Kus...

The 15 Best "Kidcastings"

Kid Casting is a blog that looks at adult movie and TV characters and the children who play those same characters as youngsters, whether in flashbacks or in earlier parts of the narrative. Oddee has collected the bes...

Owl Kitchen Timer

Owl Kitchen Timer | $17.95 What a cute little companion in your kitchen! This owl will tell you whooo, uh, I mean when, your food is done because he's a timer. No batteries, just wind up and keep time up to an...

Creepy Mario Art

Artist Mike Puncekar illustrates the enemies of Mario in a way that makes them downright nightmare-inducing. See a collection of them at Buzzfeed. This piranha plant looks like it would be right at home in a Litt...

Cirque Eloize Bicyclist

(YouTube link) Chris Unitt was brave enough to become a prop for a bicyclist during a promotion for Cirque Eloize in Boston. He's got more nerves than I do!

Chernoff and the Face Value of Numbers

A smiley-face is very expressive, statistically. By tweaking the eyes, mouth and other bits, you can literally put a meaningful face on any jumble of numbers. Herman Chernoff pointed this out in 1973 in the Journal o...

Egypt's Art Of Revolution

A new exhibition in London's Mica Gallery will feature contemporary Egyptian art, much of which depicts themes and imagery from the Arab revolution. The exhibit includes graffiti from the streets of Cairo re-created...

Monkeys Try Their Hand At Photography

Photographer David Slater had his picture taken by a crested black macaque in an Indonesian national park when the curious little critter figured out how to trigger the shutter release button on his tripod mounted ca...

Unmanned Glider May Hold Secret To Perpetual Flight

Engineers from the Australian Centre for Field Robotics in Sydney are working on an autopilot system for gliders that senses thermals and adjusts its course, utilizing the thermal currents to stay aloft. Couple that...

The Sound of A Sleeping Seal

(Video Link) Who knew seal snores were so adorable? Via BuzzFeedFunny, videos, animals, snoring, Wildlife, seals...

A Collection of Pictures of Basset Hounds Running

We've already showed one of these great pictures of basset hounds running, but it's hard to get enough of these floppy-faced pups. Check out more pics over at BuzzFeed. LinkPictures, Funny, Cute, running, animals,...

College Professor Makes Action Figures of Co-Workers

Over at the Neatoshop, we have some cool personalized bobbleheads and portraits, but I can't help but wish that we were able to add Dr. Jesse Weiss' custom action figures to our shop, but for now we will have to appr...

How Fireworks Work

If watching all the fireworks shows last night got you wondering how those balls of light are actually created and manipulated, this great infographic can help fill you in on the details. Be sure to click the link to...

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