I’m not sure who would want to buy this, but the idea of a Steve Jobs figurine for sale if not neat, you will have to agree is pretty odd. I could see this becoming a whole collectible set of tech industry leaders including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Who do you think deserves an action figure?
It’s true, there’s a 12-inch Steve Jobs replica accessorized with miniatures of the Apple Store’s best merchandise. Whether or not the real Mr. Jobs will let the Steve Jobs Limited Edition 12-inch Collectible Figurine see its way into production is another story altogether, but for now it’s fun for an Applehead to dream that someday, for the low-low price of only $160, he or she too can own a tiny inanimate clone of the only guy on the planet who can rock the same outfit every day of the week because he just wants to.
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