Archive for June 29th, 2011

Engraved Fossil May Be North America's Oldest Art

An engraved bone, believed to be from a mastodon, giant sloth or mammoth, may be the oldest example of primitive art ever found in the Americas. The carved bone features the depiction of an ancient mammoth, and was...

7 Literal Cat Theives

I absolutely adore Miss C's recent Mental Floss post profiling criminal cats. This little guy is my favorite, as Frankie is all about stealing these leopard toys: Frankie the tomcat likes toys of all kinds, but he h...

Gollum Sings "I Will Survive"

(Video Link) Here's Adam Savage singing "I Will Survive" in Gollum's voice while Neil Gaiman tries not to laugh. That is all. LinkMusic, videos, Neil Gaiman, lord of the rings, Gollum, adam savage...

Woot's Pie(rate) Chart

Have you ever wondered what a pirate is made of? Now you know, and you can share your newly-gained knowledge with this funny shirt for sale only today on Woot. LinkFashion, Funny, pirates, puns, tees, tee shirts...

Heels Inspired By Alice In Wonderland

These intricately-designed high heels might not be the most functional shoes in the world, but they are certainly eye-catching and fun. Would any of you fashion-forward neatonaut ladies wear these or do they look too...

The Doctor's Excellent Adventure

When you think about it, Bill & Ted and the Doctor both travel through time in some sort of public phone booth and they both have sexy babes travel with them at times. You can buy this most excellent shirt for on...

Amazing Embroidery Portraits

Check out these textural delights by artist Daniel Kornrumpf, who has resurrected the antiquated art of embroidery and brought it into a spectacular new light. His painterly approach to embroidery adds a fresh, moder...

Stay Puft Mini Talking Plush Keychain

Stay Puft Mini Talking Plush Keychain - $9.95 How do you like your Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? Do you like him happy or angry? The NeatoShop likes him both ways. If you are a Ghostbusters fan you need to check out the...

Conjoined Twins Cup

For a month, Cunicode, design agency in Barcelona, designed, manufactured, and brought to market a new coffee cup design every 24 hours. You can view them at the link. My favorite is the Klein bottle cup (although I...

Crazy Hilly Basketball Court

Brilliant! This court in Munich would be an amazing place to play basketball. Or better yet, to watch NBA professionals try to do so. Here's how it's designed: A regulation-sized basketball court was erected on...

World's Biggest Sprinkler

Nothing says summertime like running through a sprinkler - and this is one heck of a sprinkler. Target installed this behemoth in Houston, Texas, last weekend and let more than 4,000 kids cool off for free on a hot...

Portal Needlework Hoops

Craftster user TroubleT made this wonderful Father's Day gift for her husband, a Portal fan. They're a rather clever and appropriate use for embroidery hoops, don't you think?

Optical Illusion Alphabet

Marc Böttler arranged wooden blocks so that, when viewed from just the right angle, they revealed letters of the English alphabet. Take a look at the other letters at the link. Link -via Colossalalphabet, optical il...

Edible, Playable Chocolate Record

Ben Milne, a baker in Fife, UK, is a big fan of the band Found. So to mark the release of its newest single, he decided to make a record of the song out of chocolate. After several failed attempts, Milne used a copy...

The Church in the Clouds

This beautiful image is the Church of Primus and St. Felician, which sits atop a mountain near Jamnik, Slovenia. The photographer responsible appears to be Jony2, a member of a Slovenian-language photography forum....

Muggle Quidditch May Become an Official High School Sport

  (Video Link) Muggle Quidditch (that's Quidditch for non-magical people) has been growing in popularity, and now a high school in North Texas is trying to get it recognized as an official sport. The eighty memb...

Kylie Stillman's Carved Books

Kylie Stillman carves some amazing images into books and stacks of paper, such as this piece entitled Common Oak. Her creative process begins with the materials and proceeds to an envisioning, and not the re...

Go The F’ To Sleep, Not Funny?

By now you have probably heard of the parody of children’s books “Go The F’ To Sleep.” However not everyone is laughing. Go the F*** to Sleep" is being hailed as a cathartic children's book...

Scale of The Universe

This photo essay puts in perspective the size and scope of the universe and what we can see from our tiny planet from distant stars to two light year wide galaxies. Click on the link for the full image gallery. What m...

Women Withhold Sex To Get Road Fixed

If you are like me and have to drive over countless potholes to get to work each morning then you can appreciate the position some women in South America are taking to get road work done. They have decided to withhold se...

555 Chip Footstool

The latest do-it-yourself project from Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories is this footstool made in the shape of a 555 timer chip. It's a heavy-duty design, made from plywood, glue, and paint. Link -via Laughing Squidfu...

Nyan Cat Toes

A meme finds its way into toenail art. I honestly envy anyone who has the time to do something like this. Linkmeme, nyan cat, toenail polish...

Las Cavernas de Marmol

The Marble Caverns, as the name translates to English, are in General Carrera, a lake that straddles the border of Argentina and Chile. The lake has thrown gravel against the blue marble cliffs for millions of years,...

Elderly Woman Fed Cannabis to Rabbits

Police in Brandenburg, Germany found a plot of marijuana plants. Upon inquiry, they talked to an elderly woman who said she had been feeding the weeds to her pet rabbits. “The rabbits really like it,” the woman told...

Masterchef Synesthesia

(YouTube link) I've never watched the TV show MasterChef, but if it were edited like this, I might make the effort to tune in. This video is a Swede Mason production. -via ArbroathTV, remix, edi...

2 True and 2 False Origins of Tongue Twisters And Nursery Rhymes

I don’t know about you guys, but I am fascinated by the etymology of both words and nursery rhymes. But whenever I hear a new story about the origin of a nursery rhyme or tongue twister, I rush to find out more inf...

The Book of Knighthood

Christine de Pizan wrote Othea's Epistle to Hector (the Book of Knighthood) around the beginning of the 15th century. She is considered to be the first female professional writer. In 1460, a manuscript of th...

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