When you think of doing laundry, you probably are thinking of throwing your dirty clothes into the washing machine, turning it on and walking away while the machine does its thing.
Well, that's not how the rest of the world do laundry. Many people still wash their clothes by hand - but that doesn't mean that you can't have a little hack to automate the process a bit.
Here's how a clever and/or lazy Chinese student does laundry: Link
Previously on Neatorama: Poor Man's Hot Water Heater
2) that's a waste of water.
3) I thought Chinese people weren't lazy.
From the top results of two Google searches:
"average top loading washing machine uses 43 gallons of water"
"Ultra-low-flow heads conserve even more, using only .8 to 1.5 gpm"
Assuming 0.8 GPM for each faucet used, that's 1.6 GPM. He could run it for 26.8 minutes to use equivalent water to one load in the washing machine. Washing machines also consume electricity.