Chinese Plan Copy of Scenic Austrian Town

A Chinese company has begun construction of a duplicate Austrian village that is known for its scenic Alpine beauty. The town of Hallstatt attracts thousands of visitors a year, but apparently some of them were there to photograph, draw and take measurements of architecture to be duplicated in its Asian counterpart.
After taking photos and collecting other data on the village while mingling with the tourists, a Chinese firm has started to rebuild much of Hallstatt in faraway Guandong province. Although publicly, Hallstatters say they are proud that their village has caught the eye, others have voiced their outrage about the fact they were not consulted about the plans to replicate it.


Boo hoo. You can't copyright your city. And it's in China, for Pete's sake! It won't cut into their tourist trade much. Should be easy for them not to think about it too much. They should consider it a compliment and relax.
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And it was all painted with leaded paint, over paper thin wood, the bedbugs are kept down with DDT, the tourist food laced with pesticides, and when they open the dam every spring all the workers will drown. If their families protest, they will be shot and sent a bill for the bullet.

Other than that it's exactly like Austria.
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If you think about it, you have plenty of architectural works that are in fact copy of pre-existing things. Not exact rip-off, but re-interpretations, lower-scale copies etc...
So, it would be funny to see a copy of this Austrian village in China...built with traditional Chinese architecture ! That would we a clever thing.

if it's just a bad rip off,well... too much money in hands, meets bad taste.
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Let's get real --- this is the kind of thing you do when you start getting a wealthier middle class who want to travel and be tourists... but you don't want to let them leave the country.
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