Quebec artist Marc Seguin paints pictures of destroyed European churches from World War Two. This in itself is not so unusual. What is different about Seguin's paintings is the material he uses in his work - human remains. It all began when a friend offered him the ashes of his mother and Seguin had to decide what he would create from them.
Over the past two years others have donated the ashes of loved ones to Seguin and he has so far used the remains of seven individuals in his work.
Link to artist's site - Via Toronto Star
“I had to find the proper thing to say,” he recounts. “It’s the symbolism of using human ashes that’s important here — of life, leaving a trace.”
Over the past two years others have donated the ashes of loved ones to Seguin and he has so far used the remains of seven individuals in his work.
Link to artist's site - Via Toronto Star
Comments (4)
"Piously inclined readers may argue that" Lucifer" is accepted by all
the churches as one of the many names of the Devil. According to
Milton's superb fiction, Lucifer is Satan, the "rebellious" angel, the
enemy of God and man. If one analyzes his rebellion, however, it will
be found of no worse nat,ure than an assertion of free-will and independent
thought, as if Lucifer had been born in the XIXth century."
So what the hypnotist does is create a new association which acts as the "anchor". The most common form is a simple pat on the shoulder. The hypnotist asks you to think of something which brings up the associations they want, then they put their hand on your shoulder briefly. This causes the Axon for Cell A (representing the tactile sensation of being touched ont he shoulder) to undergo a metabolic change, that makes it more likely to cause firing of the Cell B (representing the thing which they got you to think of and it's associated emotions). They do this repeatedly to ensure a good neurological association, then they pat you on the shoulder whenever they want to control your state of mind and bring you back to the way you felt when the association was established.
Neurolinguistic Programming, developed by Richard Bandler, also uses the Anchoring technique and builds on association theory to provide a traversable mental map for the manipulator. They know that "Water" and "Boat" are associated, so if they want you to think about water, they will mention the word "boat" to you, they have techniques like this for evoking thoughts in you as if you thought of them yourself. But that illusion only persists as long as you believe you are in control of yourself and you do not see the associative causes underlying all of your thoughts and behavior. Which most people don't, so they are all very effective tools. Regardless of my superior understanding of these things, I refuse to use those techniques, but I see others doing it and achieving resutls. I'd be more like the early Christian scientists who published the magazine "Lucifer" because of all the negative associations attached to it which rape it of its actual meaning.
Hey, which came first national symbolism or hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming? It kinds of seems like the latter might have been the inspiration for the former.
I still do most shopping at grocery stores however. Call me a hypocrite.
I used to bemoan the fact that there were once 30 or so neighborhood markets in my little town and they are all gone, thanks to four huge supermarkets. Once you could walk to the store, deal with people you knew, and even have groceries delivered.
But then I recall that they all smelled bad, the food expired, they were closed on nights, weekends, and often Wednesday as well, they wouldn't hire anyone they weren't related to, and they didn't care that their customers promised to buy a lot of x product if they would only stock it please. The quality of their food depended on kickbacks and soap-opera relationships with wholesalers and truck drivers. Some would let people charge groceries, then they would charge huge interest rates.
Things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes not.
A favorite trick of a small grocery store is to put a sale tag over an expiration date. Boxed items like crackers and cookies are often way out of date (6 mos. or more sometimes) and people rarely check those like meat and bread.
I prefer to buy local to support my town even if it costs more. But I do not appreciate being sold expired and potentially dangerous food and I often drive 25 miles down the canyon to a supermarket where I know the food is fresh.
I love crunching through places like this in post apocalyptic games. It's cooler, somehow, than more modern places.
Yep, there was a small neighborhood grocer who turned down the AC in his refrigerated meat case to save money. All the meats were green or gray. Eww.
The successful small grocers around my area tend to specialize, ala Middle Eastern, Indian, Mexican, etc.