(YouTube link)
The person who uploaded this video found the kitten all alone and took it home, where she was cleaned, fed, and introduced to their other cats. Within a few hours, she was as comfortable as you see here. I only wish they had put harp music behind the video. -via Arbroath
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Twist: We have a 13 year old scottie/schnauzer mix that sucks on blankets and kneads them from time to time.
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So cute. This video made me very happy! :D
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Such a look of ecstasy I cannot recall seeing.
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It looks like she might not have been totally weaned. Young kittens knead their paws like that to stimulate their mother's breast to produce milk. But, as cat lovers know, even adult cats sometimes do that just because they're happy.
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So Cute! That cat would be a good interpretive dancer
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