The Vaults of General Electric

You think you have weird stuff in your attic, imagine if you were a 130 year old company who is responsible in part for some of the world’s greatest inventions. The company has released a gallery of photographs that illustrate some lost but not forgotten gadgets including a 100 year old car charger and early solar cells.
GE called on photographer Hans Gissinger to shoot items from GE's archives as well as more modern projects being worked on right now. Most of these items are stored in GE's Global Research Center in Niskayuna, New York, near Schenectady, though they plan to head to other manufacturing plants across the country to capture the goodies stored elsewhere.

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Yeah I wonder if my great grandfather's copper coil engine is locked away in that vault when they bought it from him back in 1917 and then said it couldn't be made to work...
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Slide #7:

"Electric vehicles may be nascent tech, but they aren't exactly new. This EV charger, dating back to the turn of the century, was used in both homes and parking garages--back when EVs outsold gasoline cars."

Makes you wonder doesn't it?
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