Reinventing Abandoned Places

Many cities and urban centers these days are discovering the increasing problem of figuring out what to do abandoned buildings and structures. As populations and industries change many large factories, apartment complexes and even theme parks are left as empty rusting hunks of man-made waste. One publishing company is trying to brainstorm a solution in an upcoming book.
The concept is the brainchild of Gregory Crawford, who recently launched a Kickstarter project in a bid to fund his book, Fall Apart Park, and a publishing company called The Afterwords Archive.  The project will offer creative transformation proposals for abandoned buildings and places, through a combination of fiction, non-fiction, journalism and photo-essays, while adopting re-purposed materials.


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Fact #1: National Coffee Day is a lame marketing gimmick by the National Coffee Association, who represents the big box coffee retailers who promote quantity over quality. Basically, it's a fake holiday to keep reminding everyone to keep drinking the cheap stuff.
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