Panasonic Plans Green City in Japan

Panasonic has announced plans to create a green community for around 1000 residents, built from the ground up in Japan. The eco-friendly Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town should be available by 2018 and hopes to keep carbon output low.
Green building is certainly nothing new, but the thrust of Panasonic’s plan is to start from scratch rather than retrofit existing structures and communities with eco-friendly technologies. The idea is that existing technologies and town planning strategies can be brought together harmoniously from the start, for maximum effect and efficiency. And Fujisawa SST will have it all: a smart power grid; solar cells and batteries in every home; roads designed for bikes, walkers, and electric vehicles; networked public lighting, and more.

In the wake of the catastrophic earthquakes in Japan, the project has also taken on several aspects of disaster response. Fujisawa SST will boast self-sustaining power generation, as well as safety planning and mobility. And with so many devastated Japanese communities looking to rebuild, Fujisawa SST could be a blueprint to model their rebirth.


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The concept is relatively solid. Especially given the details of the Columbian group you talked about, yesterday. However, it being used as a blueprint for rebuilding out of the earthquake/tsunami/meltdown disaster is a little far fetched. I hope those communities won't be waiting 7 years before they start cleaning up and rebuilding.
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