Officially, the 200,000 penguins are on the Salisbury Plain of South Georgia Island to mate. But still, that's a lot of penguins. If they were ever to make a power grab, this would be the time.
Link via Kuriositas | Photo by Flickr user Liam Q used under Creative Commons license
"So, Jim - how's your fish allergy?"
"Better. My beak isn't stuffy any more. The doc gave me these pills, and they work pretty good. Have you seen Sally? She's supposed to be here but I haven't seen her."
"With this crowd it's hard to find anybody. This places has gotten to popular with the 'in' crowd. I liked it better before they put the ferns in the windows, and got rid of the spittoons."
"Wanna play pool?"
"Nah, did you forget? We've still got no arms."
"I gotta be me, oh I just gotta be me..."