Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division is a group of World War II heroes you might know from the book or the miniseries Band of Brothers. They fought at the D-Day Invasion, the Battle of the Bulge, and Operation Market Garden, and liberated concentration camps, yet they came home and went on with their lives. No one knew much about what they did until the book came out. But these men gained quite a bit of wisdom from their war experiences, tempered by age, which they gave us in their stories. The Art of Manliness took some of those quotes and made them into a series of awesome motivational posters. Link -via Gorilla Mask
Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division is a group of World War II heroes you might know from the book or the miniseries Band of Brothers. They fought at the D-Day Invasion, the Battle of the Bulge, and Operation Market Garden, and liberated concentration camps, yet they came home and went on with their lives. No one knew much about what they did until the book came out. But these men gained quite a bit of wisdom from their war experiences, tempered by age, which they gave us in their stories. The Art of Manliness took some of those quotes and made them into a series of awesome motivational posters. Link -via Gorilla Mask
Comments (4)
I generally make the assumption that while Adolf Hitler was unique, as all people are, he was also very common psychologically. Hitler was no villain in the traditional sense of one unmotivated by anything but the desire to hurt others. Even Shakespeare's most machiavellian villain Iago who is generally thought to have no motives, clearly has motives when Iago is seen as Ego. If people were more attuned to recognizing this subtle but widely determining phenomena, perhaps other paths to resolving crises like this could actually be pursued. But as the world remains blind to our own nature we invariably conceive of fighting fighting with fighting as the only possible means to our "freedom".
I attended our local (small town in NY) Memorial Day parade. There was but one WWII marcher left, walking with a cane but looking dapper and dignified. My wife, remembering her now-passed grandfather (a WWII Pacific vet) marching in similar parades broke out crying.
I can only hope that kids of today are taught by their parents and teachers what these guys and others who served in the War went through and the terrible sacrifices they often made. As the study of history seems to have fallen somewhat out of favor, I hope that their memory can still survive in print, images, and film.