Once the drug had taken effect, Das gathered a fold of skin, made a puncture, and reached into the scrotum with a fine pair of forceps. He extracted a white tube: the vas deferens, which sperm travel through from the testes to the penis. In a normal vasectomy, Das would have severed the vas, cauterized and tied up the ends, and tucked it all back inside. But rather than snipping, Das took another syringe, delicately slid the needle lengthwise into the vas, and slowly depressed the plunger, injecting a clear, viscous liquid. He then repeated the steps on the other side of the scrotum.
This liquid doesn't block the path of sperm cells exiting the testicles, but renders them inert as they move past. This substance should be removable, thus returning fertility to the patient. You can watch a video of the procedure at the link. Content warning: scrotum.
Link via DVICE | Photo by Flickr user aesop used under Creative Commons license
Eye Socket
Several flicks of the wrist
Problem solved
In principal; yes. In practice; no.
I'm an honest hypocrite.
Sex is an entirely selfish act with no value (apart from reproduction) to anyone but the egos involved which serves to condition itself over time. If torn between banging my girlfriend and helping my neighbour out of a burning house, I should choose the latter. If it's a choice between an evening of self-satisfaction and terminating a fully-formed child in partial-birth abortion, clearly the former. I don't even have to get into metaphysics of ego-dynamics to illustrate how it is ultimately destructive. I can simply point out that it is a selfish desire that gets reinforced upon its fulfillment which has absolutely no productive value for anyone else and plenty of consequences. Both in the responsibility for the creative process and as one responsible for their own character.
Never-the-less I frequently engage in sexual satisfaction for primarily egotistical reasons with my girlfriend/common-law partner. Perhaps the only difference is I'm not telling myself its some divine act, I'm quite certain it is entirely selfish and therefor more akin to evil. I smoke too, and I wouldn't try to argue that smoking is productive, healthy or anything else simply because I desire it.