Ambigrams and Upside-down Heads

Sam "No Nickname" Saxton makes vertical ambigrams with illustrations that read the same whether you hold them right side up or upside down. He's given the treatment to presidents, pop culture figures, and even Star Wars characters! Link

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Yes, however the culture is generally divided into discrete categories of ethnicity, religion, theory and doctrine. I'm an ethnic mutt who only appears caucasian but has considerable native contributions to my genetics.

I'm also a highly philosophically minded scientific type, but I'm also a highly religious philosophic type and a highly scientific religious type. These categories mean absolutely nothing to me because their boundaries are mere illusions projected outward from the egotistical strivings of their so-called adherents, who more often than not contradict the implicit bounds of their own grouping.

With that said, the most of available venues for the expression of some opinion are hosted or frequented by some naive grouping of individuals for a singular ideological purpose. I enjoy watching contemplative teachings of the Trappist monk Thomas Merton as much as I enjoyed watching the 2-Day long Beyond Belief and Beyond Belief 2 conferences put on at Caltech by Michael Shermer and Skeptic Magazine. The one totally renounces matterial physics, i.e. science, and the other totally renounces noetic realization, i.e. contemplative prayer ala Thomas Merton.

What am I to do when you are all divided and put up your walls to keep the other sentiments and view-points out, and when you don't want to pull your head out and listen to something new? There is nowhere to express opinions contrary to the opinions held by the majority.
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@Ryan S, no need to lock up all your opinions or care less about what interests you, perhaps just think about the suitability of the platform you use to express those opinions. Of course you're free to express whatever you want, but if you don't want the cost of the effort involved typing up such musings to outweigh the benefits of getting through to others, it's certaily worth considering.
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I'm trying to work on that, maybe reducing the amount I communicate with others, or reducing the amount I care about truth and discernment in the highest abstract sense, but coming to such a reverence for truth was itself a long ardurous process of working within my self to overcome all of my personal aversions to it like; the time it takes, the energy it takes, the fact I'd rather read Calvin and Hobbes than De Corpore Politico by Thomas Hobbes, and that when I'm all done I won't be of much value to others but appear more as a nuisance. So, I understand, and I'm working towards keeping all of my learned opinions and thoughts locked up in isolation where they cannot possibly affect anyone else's heart-strings. I know the most of us are puppets, and I don't want to be master for better or worse, all I really want is honesty and truth, and there are all kinds of ways I've thought about it and the way that relates to others.. i.e. some of that existentialist angst brought on by self-consciousness.
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Actually, I'm pretty sure this falls within the domain of gestalt psychology. Like the classic two-faces-kissing which doubles as a vase, or the famous Necker Cube. Not surprisingly gestalt artwork like this is a common complement to Idealism. Because it clearly illustrates the dependence of an object's identity on the attitude of the observer. I want to see "Chuck Norris" and so I do, instead of the disorderly arrangement of backwards characters it might appear to others to be. So perhaps if I wrote the AI so that it overlooked it's percepts and attempted to comport them to a desired view-point then I could achieve this "artificially".

I never tire of both consuming this kind of art and analyzing it's cognitive modus. Thanks
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