"I said to my friends, 'We did an addition to this guy's house a while back," said Krayeski.
At his office, he compared the signature to contracts in his files.
Sure enough, the brown-and-white card belonged to Jack Jacobs, a Delray Beach caterer.
Jacobs' wife told Krayeski that they never had a card from JC Penney, but later Jack Jacobs called and said he'd lost that card 25 years ago, before he was ever married! However, he had no idea how it ended up a mile out at sea.
"I told John I'm going to drop another credit card in the ocean and he has 25 years to find it."
"Make it a gold American Express and I'll find it a lot sooner," Krayeski said.
Link -via Fortean Times
(Image credit: Libby Volgyes/Palm Beach Post)
Wonder how much the inactive surcharge fee, the under your spending limit fee, the you didn't pay your zero balance fee, the storing your card underwater fee, and the just because we can surcharge, added up to?