The folks over at ComicsAlliance see a lot of great art, especially of the superhero variety. They run across so many great artists and designers that a few months ago, they started a weekly column called "The Best Art Ever (This Week)". This week's installment is pretty great, with subject matter ranging from Superman (of course) to the Power Puff Girls in styles from hyper-realistic to black-and-white abstractions. Click through to see all the images!
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Paul Sizer
How about peace by ____________ ?
(fill in your choice of despicable means)
Saul Alinsky was wrong.
The ends do NOT justify the means.
Conversely Immanual Kant and George Washington take a different view of the perpetuation of peace. In What is Enlightenment? Kant indicates peace can only be perpetuated by maintaining an attitude contrary to force even in the face of force. Washington in his farewell address says something similar. I am inclined to agree with them. However it should be noted that the desire to use force whether for traditionally criminal or peace-keeping means is generally motivated not by a sadistic tendency, though that remains a part of human motivation, but primarily by fear. Thus rendering the act of perpetuating peace far more difficult than descending into some form of reciprocation. This may even provide the basis for the virtuous appearance of reciprocal force or violence.