Navy SEAL Team 6's Next Target: Disney!

Osama bin Laden was one thing, but The Mouse? I think the Navy's SEAL Team 6 is in for bruiser of a fight. You see, it has a new bigger and badder adversary: Disney and its team of lawyers.

SEAL Team 6 isn’t going down without a fight.
The Navy is challenging Disney’s attempt to trademark the name of the elite squad responsible for taking out the world’s most wanted terrorist.

On May 3, just two days after Usama bin Laden was killed in a raid on the Al Qaeda leader’s Pakistan compound, Disney filed trademark applications to use the name "SEAL Team 6" on everything from entertainment, toys, video games, clothing, footwear -- even Christmas ornaments and snow globes.

Disney's applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filed cover three separate categories of goods and services -- meaning, they don't yet have consumer products but intend to in the future.

But 10 days later, on May 13, the U.S. Navy hit back, filing two applications of its own. The Navy's competing applications sought trademark status for "SEAL Team" posters and clothing, as well as “Navy SEAL” goods and services, identifying the Navy squad as an organization that “develops and executes military missions involving special operations strategy, doctrine and tactics."


Disney really pissed me off with this. They shouldn't be able to trademark SEAL team 6. It's paid for with our taxes there for it belongs to the government which belongs to us. What the hell is wrong with this country?
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How is this different than oil drilling in a National Park? Corporate exploitation of public property... We clearly need a marketing branch of the US government...

Perhaps if the IRS and Facebook merged, we could have our taxes paid for by ad placements in our profiles?
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I'm appalled. Whether they dropped it or not, this degrades all of the hard work and dedication put forth by the actual Navy Seals and attempts to piggy-back on their strength.

If they dropped it, good, but whoever had the gall to suggest it should be utterly ashamed of themselves.
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