This Week at Neatorama

If you've got some free time this weekend, you'll want to catch up on everything you might have missed at Neatorama while you were working. We had some interesting articles this week!

Tuesday was writer and comedian Tina Fey's birthday. To celebrate, Jill found 10 Things You Don’t Know About Tina Fey.

She also gave us the latest installment in our Disney theme park series with Neatorama Facts: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

From Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, Beulah Land tells the story of how freed slaves settled in Oklahoma after the Civil War, but racism caught up with their descendants.

The Limited Lifetime of the Solar System is an astronomy article from the magazine Annals of Improbable Research.

On Thursday, Toilet Paper: How America Convinced the World to Wipe came to us from mental_floss magazine.

In the What Is It? game this week, Porkhurst was the first of many with the correct answer. This object is a lunar tong, designed for picking up moon rocks! However, he did not select a shirt. Swami won a t-shirt for the funniest answer:
If you are familiar with “Treasure Island”, you will recall the luau when John Silver is barbecuing ribs and he almost burned off his beard rearranging the fire, that’s what inspired him to invent the device pictured above: Long Tong Silvers.


Our other game this week is at NeatoBambino. The Decipher The Doodle contest is still open if you want to take a shot at interpreting a picture from a 3-year-old. You could win a t-shirt from the NeatoShop!

Still looking for something to read? Check out our past exclusive articles at The Best of Neatorama, or find other links around the web with the NeatoHub!

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