The Five Stages of Star Wars Grief

Will Carlough grew up with Star Wars (as did many of the internet generation) and was an avid fan. He discusses the process of recovery in an essay at Slate.
In high school, I read more Star Wars novels than I did regular books—somewhere around 15—and I own three copies of each of the films' soundtracks. I even won an award from almighty Lucasfilm itself for the hours I spent making a Star Wars fan movie.

It's been a rough dozen years for us Star Wars fans. The release of The Phantom Menace split the community in half, the gushers (people who loved it) and the bashers (people who didn't). If you can't tell from my equating fandom with alcoholism, I am a basher. Each of the next two movies, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, was worse than the last, and it became increasingly hard to identify as a fan. After all, the whole franchise was based on six feature films, and I hated half of them (and only sort of liked Return of the Jedi).

Read how each of the stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, relate to his continuing recovery from Star Wars fandom. Link

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No, seriously. Why do we need the five stages of grief applied to not liking a bunch of fictional stories? You can't just accept your disappointment and move on like a decent, mature human being? No... you have to paint yourself as some poor victim to make yourself feel all important and mighty to your likeminded peers.

These types of "fans" aren't fans at all, they're a bunch of attention whores who care more about inflating their vapid egos than showing any sincere appreciation for the franchise they claim to love. And the fact YOU keep feeding into these morons is much worse. Grow up, seriously.
Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.), Neatorama. Why do you keep alienating and insulting anyone who tolerates or, gasp, actually LIKES the prequels? Not everyone conforms 100% to the mantras of crybaby purist fanboys.
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Half of Star Trek suffers from some serious suckage as well, but I'm still a fan. It's a bit easier to bear on that side of things though since the good and bad episodes/movies came in alternating waves rather than one agonizing sequence of disappointment :)
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