QTvan: World's Smallest Caravan

A place to sleep and a mobility scooter - what more do you need? Meet the QTvan, the world's smallest caravan:

The £5,500 QTvan is the world’s smallest caravan and is so named because it caters to three peculiarly British obsessions: queuing, tea and caravans.

As well as a 19” television on which to watch the ceremony highlights, and a drinks cabinet with which to toast the happy couple, the tiny caravan boasts tea-making facilities – essential for a royal day out.

If any extra provisions are needed, the caravan is so compact it can be towed inside a supermarket.

Link - via dornob

Hehe, it's like women synchronizing their cycles. ;)
(Which apparently is probably more myth than fact btw.)

Why don't you Google 'site:www.neatorama.com blablabla'
Or something.
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