Photo: Mito Habe-Evans/NPR
The End of the World has been foretold time and time again, but this time it's for real. Well, according to Brian Haubert and a small group of true believers, anyway. They claimed that hidden in the Bible are some clues that the world will end May 21, 2011.
NPR's Weekend Edition takes a peek inside the Judgment Day movement (and the radio show behind the latest J-date):
"I've crunched the numbers, and it's going to happen," he says.
Haubert says the Bible contains coded "proofs" that reveal the timing. For example, he says, from the time of Noah's flood to May 21, 2011, is exactly 7,000 years. Revelations like this have changed his life.
"I no longer think about 401(k)s and retirement," he says. "I'm not stressed about losing my job, which a lot of other people are in this economy. I'm just a lot less stressed, and in a way I'm more carefree."
He's tried to warn his friends and family. They think he's crazy. And that saddens him.
"Oh, it's very hard," he says. "I worry about friends and family and loved ones. But I guess more recently, I'm just really looking forward to it."
Haubert is 33 and single. Brown is married with several young children, and none of them shares his beliefs. It's caused a rift with his wife — but he says that, too, was predicted in the Bible.
"God says, 'Do you love husband or wife over me? Do you love son or daughter over me?' There is a test. There is a trial here that the believers are going through. It's a fiery trial."
As May 21 nears, Brown says he feels as if he's on a "roller coaster." What if he is raptured but his family is left behind?
"I'm crying over my loved ones one minute; I'm elated the next minute," he says. "It's all over the place."
If I truely believed May 21 was the end I too would not be worried about losing my job because I would not have one. Why spend these last few weeks working?
They had these banners spread out at the St. Patricks Day Parade so I had to take a look. I for one am going to try to buy Jessus a beer and pick his brain for a bit
—Matthew 24:36-44
sums up exactly what I feel
"this message approved by Jim Jones"
The return of the truth means that egoism must go. All the ivory castles constructed in the name of Self will be destroyed and it will be as if the inhabitant had been cast into hellfire. Their lives, resting atop a house of cards, will burn with despair at the loss of their heightened sense of self. Shame! Humiliation!
This will happen eventually because as we press on further and further into self-absorbed delusion, like vortices we consume the surrounding universe which can only continue to a point, before we start consuming ourselves more directly and define our own demise.
The lie has already got us going in circles chasing possession and approval and fighting endless bloody wars. When the truth returns, it will burn more than spilt blood, many will hope to be dead instead. But who can put a fixed date on when that will happen? My estimates suggest a few more decades or perhaps generations before the necessity of truth burrows its way into the collective human conscious, and that will only come about because of death and suffering. Humans just won't care unless they are in enough pain.
It sounds like he is manic-depressive and has latched onto one of the more common apocalyptic ideas found in America.
You might want to do some more background on this one....It's not Brian's idea, he's just a dupe wana-be.
The "mastermind" behind this is Rev. Harold Camping, and this is his second go at this sort of thing.
Wonder what his story will be on the 22nd?
I found that the focus on Brian Haubert, who is a follower (but a very loyal one at that), is actually more interesting.
It's one thing to be crazy, it's another thing completely to follow someone crazy :)
it makes me Look Like a Mad man in everyone's eyes, everytime I will inform them about this May 21st, 2011, thing..
"Father, have mercy on Me, I'm very sinful Man since the day I was born"
I hope they only lose faith in Harold and not in Christ.
'Also hope this guy didn't give all his money to a guy who thinks he's the final arbitrator of Scripture.
Get a grip.
just LIKE your 5/21 friends
However, for YOUR sake: you can't see a perfect God by looking at imperfect people.
He IS real! I know that fact, not by reading it in the Bible or by being convinced by an evangelist, but by His Spirit. Until your eyes are opened, it will just seem as foolishness to you, but if you REALLY want to know the truth, He will show you too.
Has anyone heard of them?
This is why Christianity warns against self-idolatry and ascribes the characterization of Lucifer to this aspect of human nature. The self is not a separate entity, more like a fraction of the totality. All our light is owing to God in other words. Or without the cosmos we would be nothing. But, the lie of self-hood blinds us to the realization and keeps us chasing after thrills and status.
Those wise to this underlying nature can see the unfolding of its dynamics and peer vaguely into the future of humanity. While there are many methods and doctrines including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Prayer, Meditation and Self-flagellation (to name a few). There is only one way to God and that is through Truth; understanding with absolute certainty. The intricate nature of the implicit and explicit orders and a submission of the ego unto it's rightful owner; the singularity (God). Everything else is mere confusion, a play on words and ritual. Most of which appeal to the self and further delude it.
The ego either takes the stories from the Bible as fantastical and true or fantastical and false. Both ways of seeing are incorrect, the only thing fantastical about it is that the underlying truth is more mundane and superficial than the stories which describe it. Yet it is within this superficiality and mundacity that we find awe and wonder at the life we are already living.
Forgive the Family Radio 'army', Lord, they know not what they do....
If a serial killer or dictator said this- we'd lock him up.
So many good Christians out there, taking the lessons of the bible as they should; as lessons, yet so many loons like this guy.
Must be fun to live with this sad clown....
Anyone heard of this group?
Sorry I didn't read the NPR article.
Looks like your blog entry has gotten lots of responses, and that is good for you.
I am a "recovering" fundamentalist christian, and it is hard for me to figure out why so many people are duped by supernatural myths...(i.e. "Religion").
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
"Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?" II Peter 3:10-13.
Tell me how we get from 13000 + to 4990. I can't find it.