While many sites are posting about wonderful, selfless mothers that make you feel inadequate on Mothers Day, here's a list that will make you or your mom feel like a saint in comparison! Pop culture has moms that eat their young -sometimes literally. First on the list: Mom, from Futurama.
Link -Thanks, Susana!
She has three sons, and she knows the father of one of them for certain. But she smacks them around and insults them on a fairly regular basis. Though they’re all pretty stupid and infatuated with her that they don’t seem to notice they’re being physically and emotionally abused. And ripped off — Mom owns 99.7 percent of MOMCORP while the other .3 percent is evenly distributed among the three of them. But like I said, they probably have no idea. Is it abuse if they don’t notice? If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Exactly. (Mom said that’s how it works.)
Link -Thanks, Susana!
But I get a snicker out of anything that pokes fun at the over-sentimentalization of moms, and Mom fron "Futurama" is one of the greatest anti-moms of fiction.