While there are plenty of bizarre Blogger and Word Press pages, the number of off-the-wall Tumblr accounts is a little astonishing. I don’t know what it is about Tumblr, as opposed to all the other blog programs out there, but something about it just seems to inspire people to create some of the weirdest sites around the net. Here are a few of my favorite strange, niche and just plain silly Tumblr blogs.
Selleck Waterfall Sandwich:
Perhaps one of the strangest Tumblr blogs around, Selleck Waterfall Sandwich is exclusively dedicated to three things: Tom Selleck, waterfalls and sandwiches. You’ll be amazed just how many ways these three things can come together in an image.
Citation Needed:
Have you ever seen a citation needed tag on Wikipedia and thought, “really, they need a citation for that?“ Well, that's the whole point of Citation Needed. One of my personal favorites on the site is this gem, "The band March Hare is named after the March Hare. [citation needed]“ Unfortunately, many of the funny bits on this site are removed from Wikipedia, making Citation Needed the only archive of such comments.
Hungover Owls:
There’s a reason owls are nocturnal creatures –they’re too hung over to be awake during the day. But while hungover humans tend to look downright disgusting, Hungover Owls look absolutely adorable –in a slobbish, grumpy and tired kind of way.
Captcha Art:
Have you ever read a captcha and laughed at how humorously the words seemed to go together? Captcha Art asks you to take a screenshot of the captcha and then submit your artistic interpretation of the message.
Kid Casting:
Whenever a television show or movie needs to do a flashback that involves the main character as a child, they have to cast a child that looks like the main actor. Sometimes they do such a spot on job that you really do believe the two are related. Other times, you can’t help but giggle. Kid Casting makes it easy to compare the kids casted as the flashback versions and the adults who played the main characters. I think my favorite has to be this one of Tina Fey and Alex Baldwin’s flashback kids from 30 Rock.
Caught Dead In That:
If you think there is nothing funny about death, then you’re not going to be a fan of Caught Dead In That. While it may sound like a fashion blog, the site is decidedly more morbid, dedicated exclusively to humorous tombstones.
Godzilla Haiku:
As the name implies, Godzilla Haiku combines two great Japanese classics –Gozilla (and other budget monster movies) and haikus.
Awkward Stock Photos:
Most people only see stock images that have actually been purchased to illustrate some kind of idea or feeling, but the people who make stock images work to ensure there is an image out there for just about any conceivable notion. As a result, there are a lot of seriously strange stock photos with no apparent use other than humoring the people who read Awkward Stock Photos. Personally, I like to make up completely logical captions for these images in my head.
Garfield Minus Garfield:
Without Garfield, these comic strips seem to depict a sad, lonely man who has taken to talking to himself rather than trying to meet people in the real world. Almost every post on Garfield Minus Garfield is surprisingly depressing, and that's what makes it so funny.
Panda Loves To Party:
Panda Loves to Party is one of my favorite Tumblr blogs as it is loaded with adorable images of pandas celebrating. Before seeing this blog, I had no idea that pandas were such party animals or that zoos made so many darn ice cakes just for cute black and white bears.
Hotties From History:
Whatever physical traits get you going, Hotties From History is sure to have someone from an era long gone that you would have fancied. Aside from the obvious physical characteristics, the author also makes sure to include any extra tidbit that could help add to your crush. What do you guys think? Is it just a coincidence these are all on Tumblr or is their something about the site that caters to strange sites? Also, feel free to share any of your favorite strange blogs in the comments (even if they aren’t Tumblr specific).
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