The iconic "Mudflap Girl", long seen on America's highways, finally has an identity. Ed Allen of Washington, D.C. says that it's his mother. Allen's father, a trucker, kept a photo of his wife wearing a swimsuit in his rig:
Dad kept the photo in the cab of his truck, which always bore his wife’s name on the hood. When a new corporate owner forbade Stewart from decorating a company-owned vehicle, Stewart put his wife’s silhouette on his trailer’s mudflaps so his boss couldn’t see her when the truck was backed up to a loading dock.
In 1967, Ed Allen said that a local truck-accessories manufacturer named Bill Zinda saw the design. He liked it and, with dad’s permission, started selling it. No one ever trademarked the image, and Mudflap Girl got around a lot during the freewheeling ’70s.
Link via Jalopnik | Photo by Flickr user Brandon Doran used under Creative Commons license
Dating Mudflap Girl
Wyoming Library's Mudflap Girl
Rumor has it that Mud Flap Girl means a trucker who is sleeping in his rig at a truck stop is willing to be approached by woman looking to to trade companionship for remuneration.
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